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onsdag 31 oktober 2012

My clan

As beeing part of a family yhat once originated from Scotland, I can not help to show you my Nisbeth, or Nesbitt clan, crest here.
You can se that further down - here is our family tartan.

Here is our crest - I Byd it.

This is our coat of arms, the original Scottish one Nisbet - With the boars.

In Sweden we have a slightly different coat of arms, with three bears on it, instead of boars. Somewhere someone heard wrong I suppose?

This text below is from wikipedia, translated by Google and edited by me.

The family descended from Berwick in Scotland, where it is known since the 1200s. Ancestor of the Swedish branch William Nisbeth of the house Rochelle (1596-1660) who in 1627 was added to Sweden, where he became Colonel of the regiment of Uppland. With his first wife Christina Greij he got his son Wilhelm Nisbeth (died 1695) who was a captain in Upplands infantry. He was married twice. First wife, Sophia Böllja was the sister of his stepmother, and their mother was a Månesköld of Seglinge. Second wife was Margaret Duwall. Wilhelm Nisbeth was naturalized as a Swedish nobleman in 1664 and was introduced at number 828 years in 1675, and wrote to Osmunstad and Olstad.

His eldest son Axel Nisbeth was regimental quartermaster, married to Brita Maria Storck Felt, whose mother was a Ulfsax. The eldest son Lieutenant Pehr Gustaf Nisbeth was married Skuten Mountains, and the main branch manna continued with their third son of Major Johan Axel Nisbeth, married to Gertrude Pfeiff whose mother was a Lillje Marck. By the testament of his wife's aunt went over the estate Tisslinge the dynasty Nisbeths main branch. 


A younger branch, via Carl Magnus Nisbeth, passed in the 1700s in Polish and French service and this branch was based in Sweden. Another younger branch, originating from the former's brother Axel Nisbeth the ball came back to Sweden after the foreign service and was married to Anna Beata Bäfverfelt. Descendants of him was through marriage with Bratt of Höglunda mill owners in Värmland.

1778 transferred dynasty in the former knightly class.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej
    Mit navn er Tom Faber Nisbeth Meyer och jag skulda vila veta om ni kender til om det går at bruka vort Code of arms ?
    Jag er medlem af Danske Frimurer ordenen och en dag skulde jag vel få mit eget Code of Arms
    Der skulde jag vilde hædre vor familie och bruka vort Code of Arms???
