I live in Sweden and write for a living, as a journalist and writer. In this blog I talk about my mother Gunvor's work as an artist, my travel around the world and a lot more.
torsdag 30 december 2010
Happy New Year!
I know it's moore than a day left of this year, but as I have a lot to do tomorrow I will just say to you all out there -
I wish you all a very happy new year 2011.
fredag 24 december 2010
Merry Christmas!
I wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy new year!
Here in Sweden we have really cold vinter weather, with a lot of snow. Not my cup of tea but you can't chose that can you? Anyway - hope you will have a fantastic holiday!
tisdag 21 december 2010
Home again
It looks like I only write here when I have been away on holiday. And here we go again, my latest trip was to Sri Lanka, a beautiful island in Asia.
And I stayed at a lovely hotel, The Blue Water in Wadduwa. Here is a pic from the beach.
söndag 5 december 2010
It is winter now - and cold
It is winter now outside, and it is really cold. I can't help longing for warmer, sunnier times. But I must admit it is reallt beautiful outside. It looks like a christmas card.
And soon it will be christmas, the first since both my parents passed away, so it's a bit sad really.
I leave you with a picture from my window yesterday.
lördag 20 november 2010
It is snowing
I think the winter is coming, I have been driving in the snow earlier, getting used to it after living in Sweden for almost all my life, but I still dont' like it. Winter tyres is on, but still really slippery. But I had my thai massage today, and i feel better in my aching shoulder.
Be back later with more stories...
Be back later with more stories...
söndag 17 oktober 2010
I just started up a new site at Videojug. If you want to check it out - do it here: http://pages.videojug.com/users/Ostuna
It is about writing and travelling.
Talk to you all later.
It is about writing and travelling.
Talk to you all later.
tisdag 28 september 2010
Relaxed on holiday
Is it not a bit strange how quickly you go back to old habits when you come home from a vacation. You feel so relaxed and energetic in the same time.
And then - just a few days later - you are back to not only old habits of over-working but even working more than before, just because you now has more energy.
lördag 18 september 2010
Hallo again!
Just been travelling a bit and working a lot! Thats why I havde been so lazy with updates, but now I am back. Last trip was in Tunisia, in Hammamet. A tourist town with an ancient past. Sun, sandy beaches an a lot of lazyness.
Here is a pic from the beach outsie my hotel, lovely place...
More later!
fredag 14 maj 2010
Det var ett tag sedan sist...
Hej igen, det var ett tag sedan sist. Jag måste verkligen säga att tiden bara rusar iväg. men jag, Agneta Nisbeth, är en hårt arbetande kvinna, he he. Skämt åsido har det varit en jobbig tid för mig, min mamma har gått bort och jag kan nu kalla mig föräldralös. Men sedan begravningen förra veckan känns allt lite bättre, så jag återkommer snart med mer texter.
lördag 27 mars 2010
It has been a while...
I have been working so much that this blog has been sadly forgotten. But I am here again. The snow outside is melting and I am so happy for that, hopefullt the spring will come soon. Just in case, I have already booked a trip for next winter. So in december I will travel away to Sri Lanka for a week by myself. That will be amazing. Can't wait to see a new country in Asia.
Until then I dream of my last vacation in Thailand. At the Cape Sienna Hotel.
söndag 28 februari 2010
A really long winter
This winter has really been filled with different kind of difficulties, extreme cold, a lot of snow, no trains in time or at all, and since a week, no hot water. I feel like I am camping. And I don't like camping.
The only time I been sleeping in a tent was in Nepal. And there it was ok, but not here.
Today it has been rather warm, like 0 degrees, but now it will slowly getting colder again. And more snow will come. And the trains will make my trip to work take 4 hrs back and forth, instead of the normal 2.
Have patience!
Photo: Agneta Nisbeth
lördag 20 februari 2010
What I write on now
This snowy day I have to stay inside. So I work on this years Dassbok and Damrummet. Here is two of my old books, back to work again. Hope yoy like my blogstory Snow Angels, just uploaded a new chapter.
Snow Angels - Part 8
I was really very nice to eat something, I felt a little bit better afterwards. And I also have to admit that Bill was really kind to me. I seemed almost like he believed in me, believed in that I really did not remember anything of my life with him.
“Would you like more coffee, anything else?”
“No thanks, I’m fine”
“Are you sure? I would still guess that you would like to have your memory back?” He teased.
With a smile I got up from the table and said:
“Hope you don’t mind but I would like to look for more of my old stuff. Where did I put all my clothes? I did not find any of them in the bedroom.”
“Oh, yes. You used to stay in the room over there” He said, pointing to a door in the living room.
“Why did I…” Then I stopped. “I don’t really want to know.”
“You go and have a look, I clean up here.”
Just like I would have washed the dishes just now! Do not think so…
The door was closed and when I opened it I suddenly felt a flutter in my stomach. The room was rather big and painted in a bright shade of pink. My God, was I really that crazy about pink? I looked around. The bedspread was rolled down at the foot of the bed. It seamed that someone has been sleeping there recently.
Along one wall was a pink door with a big mirror. I guessed that this was my closet so I opened it and looked inside. To the left there was a switch so I lit the lamp and went in.
There were lots of clothes inside, clothes that were probably mine, although I never would have chosen them myself. I found a pair of jeans and a nice, simple top in black and pink, so I put that on instead of the dirty silk dress I had been sleeping in.
The jeans fitted perfectly, this really have to bee my clothes. I normally have a problem to find jeans that fit. The clothes were not my style at all, but I fallen into a coma like Sleeping Beauty for many years so how could I tell what was fashionable today?
This was a lot to poke at a later time, but just now I wanted to relax for a while, my head felt suddenly very heavy. When I was coming out of the room I noticed that the pink color of the wall hid a old wallpaper underneath. Ss if someone painted over it. There were small rabbits jumping around in a meadow full of flowers. I realized that this was an old nursery.
Did we have children?
“Would you like more coffee, anything else?”
“No thanks, I’m fine”
“Are you sure? I would still guess that you would like to have your memory back?” He teased.
With a smile I got up from the table and said:
“Hope you don’t mind but I would like to look for more of my old stuff. Where did I put all my clothes? I did not find any of them in the bedroom.”
“Oh, yes. You used to stay in the room over there” He said, pointing to a door in the living room.
“Why did I…” Then I stopped. “I don’t really want to know.”
“You go and have a look, I clean up here.”
Just like I would have washed the dishes just now! Do not think so…
The door was closed and when I opened it I suddenly felt a flutter in my stomach. The room was rather big and painted in a bright shade of pink. My God, was I really that crazy about pink? I looked around. The bedspread was rolled down at the foot of the bed. It seamed that someone has been sleeping there recently.
Along one wall was a pink door with a big mirror. I guessed that this was my closet so I opened it and looked inside. To the left there was a switch so I lit the lamp and went in.
There were lots of clothes inside, clothes that were probably mine, although I never would have chosen them myself. I found a pair of jeans and a nice, simple top in black and pink, so I put that on instead of the dirty silk dress I had been sleeping in.
The jeans fitted perfectly, this really have to bee my clothes. I normally have a problem to find jeans that fit. The clothes were not my style at all, but I fallen into a coma like Sleeping Beauty for many years so how could I tell what was fashionable today?
This was a lot to poke at a later time, but just now I wanted to relax for a while, my head felt suddenly very heavy. When I was coming out of the room I noticed that the pink color of the wall hid a old wallpaper underneath. Ss if someone painted over it. There were small rabbits jumping around in a meadow full of flowers. I realized that this was an old nursery.
Did we have children?
fredag 12 februari 2010
Busy week
There has been a busy week for me, a lot of work at the magazine, and then my mum, and then so much else... But I feel rather goood anyhow. I have not had time to write so much, so you have to wait for more of my stories.
Really hope to do some work this weekend.
It is still snowing and cold here in Sweden, but starngely it seems to be cold every where. Just saw some photos from Rome and it was snowing even there. It was not like that when I used to live there, I only remember the heat and the hot, sunny summers and rainy winters.
But who knows, the weather seams to change with time, or so is my memory.
Photo: Agneta Nisbeth
söndag 7 februari 2010
I'm back!
Have been busy lately, lot dt do at work. So this is my first comment for a while. Love to continue to write on my Snow Angel story. But now I have to work even moore and I will also help my brother with his party next saturday. So I have been cleaning the house and preparing for the big Birthday, he will be 50...
måndag 1 februari 2010
Long day today
As you can see I just published the first chapter of a book in Swedish that I been working on for some time. Just for fun. It has been a long and difficult day. First, as always train delays, ice cold weather and now I realized that I dont have any water.
So I cant cook ur use the bathroom.
Anyway, hope the one of you that can read my story will like it, will publish moore of my books later.
Photo: Agneta Nisbeth
Omaka par - Kapitel 1
Kapitel 1
29 Juni 2007
Med en kjol som många skulle kalla ett brett skärp skred hon in i lokalen på ett par decimeterhöga klackar. Till synes oberörd av spänningen i luften rullade hon fram sina bägge resväskor. Först den ena, en stor Louis Vuitton i den nya vita färgen som man måste stå på väntelista för att kunna köpa. Sedan en något mindre Samsonite på hjul.
Trots att alla som redan satt i salen stirrade storögt på denna späda uppenbarelse med sina alla väskor så log hon bara, och sa:
– Hej på er alla, det är jag som är Jackie!
Längs den ena vänstra väggen satt Elizabeth Donahue som nervöst fingrade på sin lilla handväska Bredvid henne satt Kimberly Parkinson. Hon drog då och då i sin kjol som hade en förmåga att glida upp längs hennes solbrända ben. Det var svalt i det luftkonditionerade rummet, men på Kimberlys panna rullade redan flera svettdroppar.
På den andra sidan av rummet hukade Maria Dolores över sin öppna resväska. Maria ville nämligen kolla om hon glömt och packa sin allra snyggaste bikini. Det hade hon. Vilket föranledde en svordom på spanska.
Fast hon sa den ovanligt tyst. Maria ville inte att alla skulle stirra på henne just då.
Julia Moore hade heller ingen lust att sitta still. Hon höll istället på att göra några yoga-övningar längst bak i den stora salen.
En som däremot satt väldigt stilla var den vackra Lee Mill Hoo. Lee läste bara vidare på sin nyinköpta bok efter att ha lyft blicken mot Jackie för ett par sekunder. Det var få saker som gjorde Lee nervös här i livet. Inte ens den obehagligt spännande thrillern som hon nu hunnit halvvägs in i.
Än så länge hade bara tre män hunnit komma in i salen. Det var den långe Ewan Lackey och Larry Anderson som envisades att ha på sig både sin jacka och basebollkeps på sig inomhus. De satt bägge och pratade med varandra med ganska höga röster.
Några stolar bort satt Shawn Jones och pulade intensivt med sin lilla handdator. Allt för att slippa prata med Eddie Sooner som satt bredvid honom. Eddie var nämligen en mycket färgstark man. Han hade både ögonskugga, läppstift och glitter på kinderna. Dessutom var han klädd i en jumper med några ljusblåa och lila paljetter. Eddie hade däremot byxor på sig,
även om han annars helst bär kjol. Han försökte dölja sin nervositet med att nynna lite lagom tyst på Dancing queen.
Jackie, eller Jaqueline Bosworth som hon egentligen heter, verkade däremot inte bry sig alls. Hon älskar nämligen att folk tittar på henne. Oavsett vad de kanske tänker. Jackie har bestämt sig för att alla som träffar henne också beundrar henne. Fast hade hon kunnat läsa de andra kvinnornas tankar denna dag hade hon upptäckt att allt kanske ändå inte var precis som hon trodde.
Just precis när Jackie rullat in i rummet med sina väskor steg John DiMaggio in i lokalen. Med en lång svepande blick över salen gick han sedan mot Ewan och Larry för att fråga om stolen bredvid dom var ledig.
– Naturligtvis är den det. Hej, det är jag som är Larry, sa Larry och satte handen i vädret för en hälsning. Men han satt fortfarande kvar.
– Jag heter Ewan, sa Ewan som däremot artigt reste på sig för att ta nykomlingen i hand.
Under tiden hade också Mark Stelios och Kenny Wayans rullat in sina resväskor i rummet och funnit var sin stol. De hade träffat varandra redan i hotellobbyn. Kenny hade frågat om vägen upp till konferensrummet Golden Day då Mark hade dykt upp och frågat om precis samma sak. Just nu pratade de mest om varför de bägge hade valt att ställa upp i programmet och vad detta eventuellt kunde betyda för deras framtida karriärer.
Tommy Feldman hade också varit i hotellobbyn samtidigt som Mark och Kenny frågade om vägen. Men Tommy valde att vänta ett tag. Han tog en senare hiss upp till andra våningen för att slippa prata med de bägge andra deltagarna. Tids nog skulle de säkert lära känna varandra ändå, menade han. Tommy hade också i ärlighetens namn börjat ifrågasätta varför han skulle fortsätta detta sociala experiment. Trots det klev även han in i salen och fann sig en stol längst bak i lokalen. Precis bredvid den viga Julia som fortfarande gjorde sina lugnande yogarörelser till synes oberörd av det stigande sorlet i rummet.
Under de närmaste tre minuterna kom det fyra nya deltagare i samlad trupp. Det var den färgstarka LaZia Kelly, den söta, blonda Sandra Myers och den något överviktige Randy O’Neal samt den blyge Ed.
Egentligen hette han Edward Burns men ända sedan han började skolan för drygt 22 år sedan har alla kallat honom för Ed. Ed var också den som hade med sig allra minst packning. Han bar bara på en blå sportbag och över axeln hängde en tunn vadderad dataväska. I den hade han stoppat en av sina alla datorer.
Nu kom också producenterna bakom serien och de bägge programledarna Moses Keith och Barbara Johns in i rummet. Tillsammans med ett filmteam som började montera upp sina kameror och lampor. I och med det började alla att vrida och vända på sig lite extra. Bara tanken på att de skulle bli filmade gjorde stort intryck på dem. Det var ju nu allt började på riktigt…
– Hej allihop! Har ni det bra!
Alla svarade unisont
– Ja, och log så mycket de någonsin kunde.
Precis just ni klev också Eduardo genom dubbeldörren med sin resväska. Han nickade lite åt alla i rummet som tittade åt hans håll och satte sig sedan på den stol som fanns allra närmast honom. Producenten för serien, John Lewis, fortsatte att tala:
– Är ni beredda att sätta igång med vår fantastiska show?
Alla svarade lika unisont:
– Ja!
John blickade ut över församlingen:
– Trevligt att se er här! Detta är första men inte sista gången vi alla samlas för ett möte. Nej, visst ja, vi saknar fortfarande en.
Lewis tittade ner i sina papper en stund:
– Vi saknar fortfarande en viss Ivana Petranka. Hennes flyg från Kansas City har tydligen blivit inställt på grund av ovädret. Men vi räknar med att hon kommer om någon halvtimma eller så.
Nu pausade Lewis i ett ögonblick. Vinkade lite med handen och föste sedan fram en mycket smal kvinna klädd i en rosablommig klänning och ett par sandaletter med mycket höga klackar. Hon log brett och lade huvudet lite på sned. Bredvid henne fanns en lika smilande man. Hans hår glänste lika mycket som hans kritvita tänder. Kostymen han bar var däremot svart som natten.
– Som ni kanske förstår är dessa två begåvade personer era nya programledare! Får vi presentera Moses Keith och Barbara Johns!
Svaret blev nästan hysteriskt och applåderna hördes säkert över hela hotellet.
– Som ni hörde heter jag Moses Keith och kommer att vara en av era värdar under hela tiden. Det finns mycket som ni ännu inte vet om framtiden. En del ska vi avslöja idag, annat får vänta till senare. För vi lovar, det finns mycket kvar som vi inte berättar just nu, sa han och skrattade.
Även Barbara skrattade när hon tog till orda:
– Ni kan kalla mig Barbara, det räcker. Jag kommer också att finnas till för er under dessa spännande veckor. Det första vi tänker avslöja är att ni i kväll kommer att få var sitt rum här på hotellet. Om en liten stund får ni också reda på vem som ni parats ihop med.
Barbara gjorde en paus eftersom det började tisslas och tasslas i salen.
– Men! Under resten av dagen, natten och morgondagen ska ni lära känna er blivande partner. Sedan måste ni bestämma er om ni verkligen vill flytta in med varandra i en lägenhet under dessa två månader. Och börja den stora tävlingen om 500 000 dollar och alla de andra fantastiska priserna som väntar ännu längre fram.
Nu var det Moses tur att tala:
– Det allra första ni måste göra är att genomgå ett litet hälsotest. Vi måste göra så för att kolla ni är friska och inte bär på några sjukdomar. I morgon kväll kommer ni sedan att bli skjutsade till era lägenheter som ska bli era hem den närmaste tiden.
Det han menade var att man inte ville ha några veneriska sjukdomar spridda bland deltagarna, eller ännu värre Aids. Så ett test innan var ett absolut måste.
Moses gjorde en liten paus medan han blickade ut genom salen.
– Resten av det ni anser er behöva därhemma får ni köpa själva. För det är nämligen meningen att ni ska jobba ihop era pengar. Er allra första uppgift, det kan jag avslöja redan nu, är att skaffa er en inkomst som gör att ni kan fortsätta tävlingen.
Sorlet i salen ökade. Sedan var det återigen Barbara som talade:
– För nu förstår ni kanske att ni i morgon också måste säga adjö till ert gamla liv med pengar, kontokort, telefoner och allt annat privat.
Nu gick det ett sus igenom lokalen och man hörde flera prata med varandra.
– Naturligtvis får ni ta med er en del av era kläder och skor som ni har i er resväska. Jag ser till och med att några av er har flera väskor. Lite väl optimistiskt kanske! Sa han och skrattade. Sedan fortsatte han i samma hurtiga ton:
– Men i morgon bitti får ni var sin weekendväska. Den kommer att ligga på ert hotellrum.
Han gjorde en liten konstpaus.
– Resväskan får ni fylla med de kläder, skor, strumpor, smink och liknande ni vill ha med er under tävlingen. Allt som inte får plats lämnas kvar i säkert förvar hos oss. På det viset startar ni alla på samma nivå. På era rum finns nu en lista på exakt vad ni kan och inte kan ta med er. Och vad som förväntas av er så klart, sa Barbara.
Hon pausade ett tag och fortsatte sedan:
– Ni kommer också att få fler regler allt eftersom.
Just precis då klev en något svettig men ändå väldigt välsminkad Ivana in genom dörren med sin knallrosa resväska.
– Ursäkta att jag är sen, mitt plan hade ställts in…
Lewis gick nu fram emot dörren och avbröt henne:
– Vi vet! Oroa dig inte. Välkommen! Slå dig bara ner på en stol. Allt det som vi har berättat får du reda på ändå. Som jag sagt finns alla regler och bestämmelser noga nedskrivna på papper. Papper som finns i en pärm på era hotellrum, där finns också ett kontrakt som ni måste signera innan ni kan vara med och tävla.
– Har ni några frågor förresten?
Längre bak i salen hördes en fråga. Det var Ed som undrade över en sak som låg honom varmt om hjärtat:
– Man får alltså inte ta med sig varken sin mobil eller dator?
– Ska du eller jag svara, frågade Moses medan Barbara nickade åt honom.
– Du får inte ta med dig din dator eller telefon. Däremot kan ni få ta med er till exempel en gitarr, en kamera, ett fotoalbum eller andra personliga saker.
– Får jag fråga en sak? Jag kanske har fattat lite dåligt, men jag kom ju precis. Får man inte ta med sig vad man vill in i huset? Ivana stod nu upp och såg ganska så orolig ut.
Det blev Barbara som svarade:
– Du kommer som vi sa, att få alla regler noga förklarade för dig senare. Men du har fattat rätt. Alla deltagare får var sin weekendväska som ligger på ert hotellrum i morgon bitti. Den ska ni fylla med det ni vill ha med er under tävlingen i form av kläder, skor och smink. Resten förvarar vi åt er. Sedan får ni, som jag tidigare har berättat, välja ut någon personlig sak som ni vill ha med er av andra prylar. Vi bör väl också tillägga att vi kommer att kontrollera ert bagage innan ni reser iväg…
Ivana verkade ännu inte riktigt ha hunnit fatta vad Barbara sa och frågade igen:
– Hur ska jag kunna välja ut vilka kläder jag ska ta med mig. Jag behöver ju allt jag packat ner!
Flera andra, framförallt tjejerna i lokalen, höll med. Men Barbara fortsatte bara sin förklaring, inte utan ett leende på läpparna:
– Tjejer. Det här är en tävling. Vi sätter reglerna och ni följer dom, om ni vill fortsätta vara med i serien vill säga. Sedan kommer ni att få tillfälle att köpa det ni vill under seriens gång, om ni bara tjänat ihop tillräckligt med pengar!
– Vi kan också avslöja redan nu att ni kommer att få 200 dollar var till att börja med. Pengar ni kommer att behöva för att handla mat och annat. Så ni inte behöver svälta de första dagarna. Sedan är det tänkt att ni ska försörja er själva, förklarade Moses.
Nu hoppade chefproducenten in i det hela. John Lewis ställde sig åter upp och tog fram sin stora pärm.
– Det är dags att para ihop er med era nya partners. Kul, eller hur! Som vi tidigare sagt. Passa på att lära känna varandra. För i morgon kväll ska ni flytta ihop. Sedan ska ni leva tillsammans under två månader.
Han gjorde en kort paus.
– Jag kommer nu att ropa upp era namn och vill att ni sedan sätter er tillsammans. Ska kanske passa på att avslöja den första stora överraskningen. Vi har nämligen gått igenom era ansökningshandlingar mycket noga. När ni sökte hit fick ni, som ni kanske minns, skriva en lista på vad er blivande partner skulle ha för egenskaper. Och hur han eller hon inte skulle vara. Men vi har inte valt er framtida partner efter er önskelista. Utan istället tagit fasta på allt de ni INTE vill se hos er medtävlande.
Det var nästan helt tyst i salen. Sedan log han och sa:
– För vad skulle väl en realityshow vara utan verkliga överraskningar!
Sorlet i salen ökade successivt. Precis som Lewis hade förutspått. Han älskade att släppa sina överraskningar. Vem hade väl kunnat förutspå detta otroliga intresse för vad så kallade ”vanliga människor” kunde göra framför kamerorna? Bara för ett tiotal år sedan var det ingen som trodde på dessa dokusåpor, då var det bara serier med kända stjärnor som gällde. Men nu… Alla kanaler hade ett par i sina tablåer. Med tiden hade de också blivit allt mer avancerade. Det gällde som vanligt att locka så mycket publik som möjligt till kanalen. Lite chocker då och då fick folk att stanna kvar vid teven. Och den långvariga strejken bland Hollywoods manusförfattare hade bara gjort dessa program än populärare bland producenterna och beslutshavarna.
När sorlet tystnade fortsatte han:
– Vi vill bevisa tesen att kärlek alltid startar med bråk!
Lewis skrattade lite och fortsatte sedan tala:
– Vi börjar nu med att ropa upp era namn. Par nummer ett består av Jaqueline Bosworth som kommer att dela lägenhet med Tommy Feldman.
Lewis fortsatte sedan att räkna upp dem alla och lydigt satte de sig sedan bredvid varandra med sina resväskor. När alla hade hittat sina respektive lämnade producenterna rummet tillsammans med de bägge programledarna efter att ha önskat alla lycka till.
– Ni måste nu göra ert hälsotest. Efter det kommer ni också att få var sin rumsnyckel. Så att ni kan vila lite på rummet tvätta av er resdammet. Middagen är lite senare ikväll. Klockan åtta samlas vi i foajén för att åka vidare till en restaurang i närheten. Var klara då!
Barbara avslutade det hela med att önska alla en trevlig kväll.
– Kom ihåg att det kommer bli många överraskningar under resans gång och att det ibland kan kännas lite tufft. Men tänk då bara på att om åtta veckor kommer två av er att vinna 500.000 dollar och en fantastisk lyxresa till Västindien. För att inte tala om den stora hemliga supervinsten som väntar efter det!
Med detta löfte ringande i öronen rullade alla ut sina resväskor bar sina bagar ut från salen. Det var nu det hela började. På riktigt.
Här kan ni läsa introduktionen av boken Omaka par om ni missat den:
Omaka par - Presentationen
Mycket gräl och sex utlovas i ny het dokusåpa!
Lika barn leka bäst sägs det ju. Men i denna nya amerikanska dokusåpa vill man bevisa motsatsen. Att kärlek alltid börjar med bråk! Serien som startar på Livechannel veckan heter Odd Couples (Omaka par) och är ett nytt tillskott i genren. I denna nya serie ska en man och en kvinna försöka leva tillsammans i två månader, samtidigt som de utsätts för flera tuffa tester. Bland annat tvingas paren att skaffa jobb, handla mat och inreda den tomma lägenheten med möbler. Samtidigt ska de lära känna varandra så väl att man kan bli ett par på riktigt. Men den verkliga haken är att producenterna valt ut 10 helt omaka par. Här finns till exempel en ung kristen kvinna som parats ihop med en ilsken ateist. Vi kommer också att få se en vältränad tjej som tvingas leva tillsammans med en riktig soffpotatis och en exhibitionistisk nakenmodell som parats ihop med ett blygt datageni. Så det är med andra ord upplagt både för riktiga gräl och heta stunder i sängkammaren!
För att göra det hela mer tittarvänligt har man nämligen monterat upp en kamera i varje rum i deras lägenhet. Med andra ord, lite som 10 olika Big Brother Hus för oss andra att titta in i. Törs vi redan nu gissa på en stor succé?
Tanken är dessa par sedan ska finna varandra på riktigt och bli kära. Det vinnande paret kommer naturligtvis inte att gå lottlösa ur denna åtta veckors batalj mellan könen. De kommer att få en resa iväg på lyxresa till Västindien och 200 00 dollar att sätta sprätt på. Men det sägs att andra större priser väntar. Fast vad det är får vi ännu inte veta, fler överraskningar utlovas också i framtiden. För det är ju en ändå en klassisk dokusåpa vi har att göra med…
Vi har bara fått ytterst lite förhandsinformation om paren. Detta är det vi vet hittills om deltagarna som tävlar om miljonen:
Par 1
Tommy och Jackie
Tommy, 27, är en fattig, konstnärlig kille som drömmer om att bli regissör. Han är uppväxt på en mindre ort och hoppas slå igenom i storstaden. Han har ganska radikala politiska idéer.
Jackie, 24, kommer från en mycket förmögen familj. Hon gör egentligen inget annat än shoppar och partajar. Tycker sig själv vara en ny Paris Hilton.
Par 2
John och Sandra
John, 26, älskar verkligen kvinnor, men tror absolut inte på livslång kärlek. Har gärna flera tjejer samtidigt. Är egen företagare i Kalifornien, kör sportbil och vet att han ser bra ut.
Sandra, 25, arbetar som förskolelärare men drömmer en stor familj. Med allt vad det innebär med villa i förort och en vovve. Så hon bara kan få vara hemmafru.
Par 3
Eddie och Mark
Eddie, 21, är en verkligt festglad kille som jobbar som telefonförsäljare. Hoppas att en dag kunna försörja sig som dragshowartist. Han har massor av partners och älskar att vara fjolla med både pärlor och paljetter.
Mark, 24, arbetar med PR till vardags. Men är också aktiv politiskt för att få homoäktenskap godkända i senaten. Han har precis blivit lämnad av sin sambo.
Par 4
Shawn och LaZia
Shawn, 26, som är afroamerikan kommer från en familj där studierna alltid varit det allra viktigaste i livet. Han har nyligen blivit färdig med sin advokatexamen. Och hoppas nu på en raketkarriär med massor av pengar och berömmelse.
LaZia, 22, har en tuff bakgrund från en av Los Angeles stökigare förorter. Hon är arbetslös sedan ett halvår och har inga pengar. Inte heller någon examen. Men hon har massor av drömmar, som att bli nästa stora hip-hopstjärna eller modell.
Par 5
Ewan och Lee
Ewan, 25, kommer från landet och har aldrig varit utanför sin stat. Han är en lång gänglig kille som känner sig borta i storstaden, längtar bara hem till kossorna och hästarna. Men vill gärna ha en tjej med sig tillbaka hem.
Lee, 28, är född och uppvuxen i New York. Hon är en välutbildad ung tjej med kinesiskt ursprung som nu jobbar för ett internationellt företag som ekonom. Hon är singel men hoppas ändå hitta kärleken. Är bara 149 cm lång men ett verkligt krutpaket av energi.
Par 6
Randy och Julia
Randy, 26, gillar att tillbringa dagarna i tevesoffan och titta på sport och äta skräpmat. Har bara tillfälliga jobb som snickare med mera. Är något överviktig. Han har varit gift en gång och har ett barn men bor nu ensam.
Julia, 24, är i det närmaste träningsnarkoman. Är otroligt noga med vad hon äter och jobbar som kursledare i aerobics och step-up. Jobbar nästan jämt och avskyr slashasar.
Par 7
Eduardo och Maria
Eduardo, 31, sedan hans familj som ursprungligen kommer från Cuba flytt till USA vill han inte höra talas om kommunism eller socialism. Han har ganska reaktionära åsikter och äger en egen bilsalong för nya och begagnade bilar i Atlanta.
Maria, 33, är också latino, men hennes familj var en gång tvungna att fly från Chile eftersom hennes pappa jobbade politiskt på vänsterkanten. Nu lever hon i Boston och arbetar med handikappade barn.
Par 8
Edward och Ivana
Edward eller Ed, 27, är ett datageni med en examen i fysik. Ed har mest suttit framför sin dator, både på jobbet och hemma. Han är lite blyg och socialt handikappad, men ser fram emot att dela lägenhet med en snygg kvinna.
Ivana, 24, vars familj ursprungligen kommer från Polen har en bakgrund som frisör. Men jobbar nu mest som nakenmodell. Ett jobb hon fått efter att ha gjort en rejäl bröstförstoring. Hon verkligen älskar att visa upp sig själv, med eller utan kläder.
Par 9
Larry och Kimberly
Larry, 45, tycker tjejer bara är till för en sak, att sköta hemmet och vara bra i sängen. Han har varit gift två gånger och har två barn. Jobbar idag inte heltid på grund av ett ryggproblem, men har annars en egen byggfirma.
Kimberly, 26, jobbar nu som fastighetsmäklare och har pluggat en del på universitetet. Men hon har också varit modell i tonåren och gjorde då en bröstförstoring. Tänker nu visa omvärlden att även tjejer med en byst av silikon kan ha en hjärna…
Par 10
Kenny och Elizabeth
Kenny, 24, är stolt över sitt afroamerikanska ursprung. Säger att han är ateist och jobbar som tandtekniker. Är mycket intresserad av sitt utseende och sina kläder. Går ofta ut med sina polare och har många tjejer på gång samtidigt.
Elizabeth, 26, går i kyrkan varje söndag och sjunger i den lokala kyrkokören. Är uppfostrad i sann kristen anda och säger att hon valde att söka in till serien för att kunna sprida sitt budskap vidare. Bor fortfarande kvar hemma hos sina föräldrar. Lider i tysthat av sin övervikt.
Programledare: Moses Keith och Barbara Johns.
Lika barn leka bäst sägs det ju. Men i denna nya amerikanska dokusåpa vill man bevisa motsatsen. Att kärlek alltid börjar med bråk! Serien som startar på Livechannel veckan heter Odd Couples (Omaka par) och är ett nytt tillskott i genren. I denna nya serie ska en man och en kvinna försöka leva tillsammans i två månader, samtidigt som de utsätts för flera tuffa tester. Bland annat tvingas paren att skaffa jobb, handla mat och inreda den tomma lägenheten med möbler. Samtidigt ska de lära känna varandra så väl att man kan bli ett par på riktigt. Men den verkliga haken är att producenterna valt ut 10 helt omaka par. Här finns till exempel en ung kristen kvinna som parats ihop med en ilsken ateist. Vi kommer också att få se en vältränad tjej som tvingas leva tillsammans med en riktig soffpotatis och en exhibitionistisk nakenmodell som parats ihop med ett blygt datageni. Så det är med andra ord upplagt både för riktiga gräl och heta stunder i sängkammaren!
För att göra det hela mer tittarvänligt har man nämligen monterat upp en kamera i varje rum i deras lägenhet. Med andra ord, lite som 10 olika Big Brother Hus för oss andra att titta in i. Törs vi redan nu gissa på en stor succé?
Tanken är dessa par sedan ska finna varandra på riktigt och bli kära. Det vinnande paret kommer naturligtvis inte att gå lottlösa ur denna åtta veckors batalj mellan könen. De kommer att få en resa iväg på lyxresa till Västindien och 200 00 dollar att sätta sprätt på. Men det sägs att andra större priser väntar. Fast vad det är får vi ännu inte veta, fler överraskningar utlovas också i framtiden. För det är ju en ändå en klassisk dokusåpa vi har att göra med…
Vi har bara fått ytterst lite förhandsinformation om paren. Detta är det vi vet hittills om deltagarna som tävlar om miljonen:
Par 1
Tommy och Jackie
Tommy, 27, är en fattig, konstnärlig kille som drömmer om att bli regissör. Han är uppväxt på en mindre ort och hoppas slå igenom i storstaden. Han har ganska radikala politiska idéer.
Jackie, 24, kommer från en mycket förmögen familj. Hon gör egentligen inget annat än shoppar och partajar. Tycker sig själv vara en ny Paris Hilton.
Par 2
John och Sandra
John, 26, älskar verkligen kvinnor, men tror absolut inte på livslång kärlek. Har gärna flera tjejer samtidigt. Är egen företagare i Kalifornien, kör sportbil och vet att han ser bra ut.
Sandra, 25, arbetar som förskolelärare men drömmer en stor familj. Med allt vad det innebär med villa i förort och en vovve. Så hon bara kan få vara hemmafru.
Par 3
Eddie och Mark
Eddie, 21, är en verkligt festglad kille som jobbar som telefonförsäljare. Hoppas att en dag kunna försörja sig som dragshowartist. Han har massor av partners och älskar att vara fjolla med både pärlor och paljetter.
Mark, 24, arbetar med PR till vardags. Men är också aktiv politiskt för att få homoäktenskap godkända i senaten. Han har precis blivit lämnad av sin sambo.
Par 4
Shawn och LaZia
Shawn, 26, som är afroamerikan kommer från en familj där studierna alltid varit det allra viktigaste i livet. Han har nyligen blivit färdig med sin advokatexamen. Och hoppas nu på en raketkarriär med massor av pengar och berömmelse.
LaZia, 22, har en tuff bakgrund från en av Los Angeles stökigare förorter. Hon är arbetslös sedan ett halvår och har inga pengar. Inte heller någon examen. Men hon har massor av drömmar, som att bli nästa stora hip-hopstjärna eller modell.
Par 5
Ewan och Lee
Ewan, 25, kommer från landet och har aldrig varit utanför sin stat. Han är en lång gänglig kille som känner sig borta i storstaden, längtar bara hem till kossorna och hästarna. Men vill gärna ha en tjej med sig tillbaka hem.
Lee, 28, är född och uppvuxen i New York. Hon är en välutbildad ung tjej med kinesiskt ursprung som nu jobbar för ett internationellt företag som ekonom. Hon är singel men hoppas ändå hitta kärleken. Är bara 149 cm lång men ett verkligt krutpaket av energi.
Par 6
Randy och Julia
Randy, 26, gillar att tillbringa dagarna i tevesoffan och titta på sport och äta skräpmat. Har bara tillfälliga jobb som snickare med mera. Är något överviktig. Han har varit gift en gång och har ett barn men bor nu ensam.
Julia, 24, är i det närmaste träningsnarkoman. Är otroligt noga med vad hon äter och jobbar som kursledare i aerobics och step-up. Jobbar nästan jämt och avskyr slashasar.
Par 7
Eduardo och Maria
Eduardo, 31, sedan hans familj som ursprungligen kommer från Cuba flytt till USA vill han inte höra talas om kommunism eller socialism. Han har ganska reaktionära åsikter och äger en egen bilsalong för nya och begagnade bilar i Atlanta.
Maria, 33, är också latino, men hennes familj var en gång tvungna att fly från Chile eftersom hennes pappa jobbade politiskt på vänsterkanten. Nu lever hon i Boston och arbetar med handikappade barn.
Par 8
Edward och Ivana
Edward eller Ed, 27, är ett datageni med en examen i fysik. Ed har mest suttit framför sin dator, både på jobbet och hemma. Han är lite blyg och socialt handikappad, men ser fram emot att dela lägenhet med en snygg kvinna.
Ivana, 24, vars familj ursprungligen kommer från Polen har en bakgrund som frisör. Men jobbar nu mest som nakenmodell. Ett jobb hon fått efter att ha gjort en rejäl bröstförstoring. Hon verkligen älskar att visa upp sig själv, med eller utan kläder.
Par 9
Larry och Kimberly
Larry, 45, tycker tjejer bara är till för en sak, att sköta hemmet och vara bra i sängen. Han har varit gift två gånger och har två barn. Jobbar idag inte heltid på grund av ett ryggproblem, men har annars en egen byggfirma.
Kimberly, 26, jobbar nu som fastighetsmäklare och har pluggat en del på universitetet. Men hon har också varit modell i tonåren och gjorde då en bröstförstoring. Tänker nu visa omvärlden att även tjejer med en byst av silikon kan ha en hjärna…
Par 10
Kenny och Elizabeth
Kenny, 24, är stolt över sitt afroamerikanska ursprung. Säger att han är ateist och jobbar som tandtekniker. Är mycket intresserad av sitt utseende och sina kläder. Går ofta ut med sina polare och har många tjejer på gång samtidigt.
Elizabeth, 26, går i kyrkan varje söndag och sjunger i den lokala kyrkokören. Är uppfostrad i sann kristen anda och säger att hon valde att söka in till serien för att kunna sprida sitt budskap vidare. Bor fortfarande kvar hemma hos sina föräldrar. Lider i tysthat av sin övervikt.
Programledare: Moses Keith och Barbara Johns.
En ny bok på gång - kanske?
Tänkte börja publicera del 1 av en bok jag håller på att skriva, en av många. Tror inte jag kommer ge ut den, men det vore kul att höra era kommentarer. Om ett litet tag lägger jag upp det första kapitlet, boken heter Omaka Par, eller Odd Couples.
Som sagt, säg vad ni tycker, ni får den bit för bit.
Som sagt, säg vad ni tycker, ni får den bit för bit.
söndag 31 januari 2010
Calm day today
I just going to take it easy today. It is sunny outside, but really cold. Have not done much funny and interesting stuff these last days, but that is all going to change next week. Of to work outside the home februari 3.
But I have still to take care of my mother when she is in the temporary housing for the sick and elderly. And take care of her cat.
Hope she get better soon.
Photo: Agneta Nisbeth.
lördag 30 januari 2010
Snow Angels - Part 7
Maybe all this was just a big misunderstanding or a joke. Yes! I bet someone had come up with the idea of a prank. I lit up just a bit.
Maybe there even was a film camera somewhere? Any second now someone will come in the room and explain it all. And soon I would be back in my apartment in New York.
Then I came back to the horrific reality. I was living somebody else life just now.
“I am sorry, that is not me, my name is not Melanie, I am Catherine.” I said, but I was not even sure if I did believe myself anymore.
“Honey, this is you. The woman I married, the woman I love.”
He showed me the license again. It was the same face on the photo that I saw in the mirror earlier this morning. My hair was black and maybe ever shorter than it was now.
But in the same time, it was not me, Catherine. I was sure of that.
Bill approached me and put his arm around my waist. Then he kissed me on the top of my head.
“Why don’t we eat some breakfast, you have to be starving as long as you have been sleeping”
I nodded, but felt no hunger what so ever.
Bill made some coffee and then started to make us something to eat. I sat down at the kitchen table with the purse. I opened it and looked inside.
There was not much in it. Except for the wallet there was some make up, paper tissues, a mirror with rhinestones and a very small and very pink phone.
“What is this?” I asked.
“It’s your cell, your cellphone babe. How do you like your eggs?”
“Scrambled if that’s ok”
I suddenly remembered that I now was in 2010, maybe people had phones this small and their handbags now days.
“How do you use them?” I asked.
First he just looked strange at me, then smiled.
“Your last memory was 1997, I remember now. The one you had back then were nothing like this, time really goes fast.”
He took the pan from the stove and approached me. The coffee maker started to rumble a bit and it told us the coffee was ready to serve and the wonderful aroma spread in the room.
Bill then lifted the phone from my hand and showed me how to work it. It was so easy, wish I had one back then in New York.
But when I started to look in to it he said:
“Now it is time to eat. You can do all that later”
I must admit that when I sat down there at the table and saw all the things he had laid up there I felt really hungry, like I had not eaten in 13 years.
Maybe there even was a film camera somewhere? Any second now someone will come in the room and explain it all. And soon I would be back in my apartment in New York.
Then I came back to the horrific reality. I was living somebody else life just now.
“I am sorry, that is not me, my name is not Melanie, I am Catherine.” I said, but I was not even sure if I did believe myself anymore.
“Honey, this is you. The woman I married, the woman I love.”
He showed me the license again. It was the same face on the photo that I saw in the mirror earlier this morning. My hair was black and maybe ever shorter than it was now.
But in the same time, it was not me, Catherine. I was sure of that.
Bill approached me and put his arm around my waist. Then he kissed me on the top of my head.
“Why don’t we eat some breakfast, you have to be starving as long as you have been sleeping”
I nodded, but felt no hunger what so ever.
Bill made some coffee and then started to make us something to eat. I sat down at the kitchen table with the purse. I opened it and looked inside.
There was not much in it. Except for the wallet there was some make up, paper tissues, a mirror with rhinestones and a very small and very pink phone.
“What is this?” I asked.
“It’s your cell, your cellphone babe. How do you like your eggs?”
“Scrambled if that’s ok”
I suddenly remembered that I now was in 2010, maybe people had phones this small and their handbags now days.
“How do you use them?” I asked.
First he just looked strange at me, then smiled.
“Your last memory was 1997, I remember now. The one you had back then were nothing like this, time really goes fast.”
He took the pan from the stove and approached me. The coffee maker started to rumble a bit and it told us the coffee was ready to serve and the wonderful aroma spread in the room.
Bill then lifted the phone from my hand and showed me how to work it. It was so easy, wish I had one back then in New York.
But when I started to look in to it he said:
“Now it is time to eat. You can do all that later”
I must admit that when I sat down there at the table and saw all the things he had laid up there I felt really hungry, like I had not eaten in 13 years.
Royal Wedding
This summer it will be a royal wedding in Sweden. Our beautiful crownprincess Victoria will wed Daniel Westling in Stockholm june 19. She is a really nice person, easy to talk to and truly charming.
As a journalist we will have a lot to do around that date, so you can expect me to write more about it when we approach the wedding day.
Photo: www.hotgossip.se
crownprincess Victoria,
Daniel Westling,
royal wedding,
Talking TV
I just love to watch TV since I was a kid. For the moment I actually prefer to watch TV in the comfort of my home, then going out to watch a movie.
And these days there are so many good shows on TV. The one's I watch just now are Burn Notice, In Plain Sight, Royal Pains, The Mentalist, NCIS, Two and a half men, House, Lie To Me and some reality-shows like Project Runway and Americas Next Top Model and talk shows like Oprah and Ellen.
Just now I try to write on of my own, but it is really much more difficult than one can think. Once upon a time a was an actor and did both stage and film/TV. Not much, and I was not good enough and did not have enough stamina to continue, but it was a good place to learn abot the craft. And that really comes in handy when you write a good dialogue. So I will really try...
Photo: Agneta Nisbeth
Burn Notice,
In Plain Sight,
Lie To Me,
Royal Pains,
The Mentalist,
Two and a half men
Snow Angels - Part 6
“Your name is Melanie Ladoga”
“What? How…”
In that moment I remember the helmets in the closet. William Ladoga, “Wild Bill”.
I just could not say anything, it was like a black cloud darkened my vision and heart.
What have happened to me? I tried to talk:
“My name is definitely not Melanie.”
I could feel my tears pouring up in my eyes again. But I did not want to look weak so I tried to be calm and sensible. This whole mess had to have some explanation.
“I just want to go home”
“This is your home. We were married yesterday, honey. You don’t remember that either, do you?”
I just shook my head.
“We are not married! And I have never…
I fell silent and then said:
“I must have a drivers license in my purse. I do have a purse, don’t I?”
“Of course” He said and went up to look.
After some searching in the room he gave up.
“You must have left IT in the living room or something, but you normally leave it here in the bedroom. You are very fussy about your purse” He said and looked at me with a weak smile.
I smiled back. That was something that I could relate to. I have always been very fussy about a lot of things in my life and my purse and credit cards was definitely some of them.
“I assume your name is Bill then? I saw some helmets with that name in the closet.”
“You are so right, William Ladoga if we are to be precise. Let’s go out in the living room to have a look then”
He went out of the room, still wearing nothing but the towel. But I did not dare to say anything about that just now.
It was a spacious room, and nicely decorated, if you liked that sort of furniture. It was the shabby chic type of everything, except the big black sofa in leather. It looked brand new and it was probably very expensive. On the floor under the sofa I saw an antique oriental rug. This guy was not poor.
We both looked everywhere but could not find the purse. I did find a beautiful sweater that I guessed was mine, and another pair of high heel sandals. They where not his so I assumed they belonged to me.
“We have to look in the kitchen too. You used to be there a lot.”
“I used to be in the kitchen, did I cook?” I asked in surprise.
“Yes, at the beginning you were here all the time. Then, well, a bit less…” He said with a bit of sadness.
The kitchen was a truly beautiful place. It was old fashioned and super modern in the same time. Two of the walls where painted in lime green and the rest retained its brick walls.
“Here it is!” He said triumphantly and held up a nice little purse in light pink leather.
I did not say a word. That was not my purse.
He opened it and took out a black wallet and opened it.
“Here it is.” He said and showed up my driving license.
It said to read, Melanie Ladoga. Born: May 12,1974.
The date was the same as mine, but not the name.
“Your name is Melanie Ladoga”
“What? How…”
In that moment I remember the helmets in the closet. William Ladoga, “Wild Bill”.
I just could not say anything, it was like a black cloud darkened my vision and heart.
What have happened to me? I tried to talk:
“My name is definitely not Melanie.”
I could feel my tears pouring up in my eyes again. But I did not want to look weak so I tried to be calm and sensible. This whole mess had to have some explanation.
“I just want to go home”
“This is your home. We were married yesterday, honey. You don’t remember that either, do you?”
I just shook my head.
“We are not married! And I have never…
I fell silent and then said:
“I must have a drivers license in my purse. I do have a purse, don’t I?”
“Of course” He said and went up to look.
After some searching in the room he gave up.
“You must have left IT in the living room or something, but you normally leave it here in the bedroom. You are very fussy about your purse” He said and looked at me with a weak smile.
I smiled back. That was something that I could relate to. I have always been very fussy about a lot of things in my life and my purse and credit cards was definitely some of them.
“I assume your name is Bill then? I saw some helmets with that name in the closet.”
“You are so right, William Ladoga if we are to be precise. Let’s go out in the living room to have a look then”
He went out of the room, still wearing nothing but the towel. But I did not dare to say anything about that just now.
It was a spacious room, and nicely decorated, if you liked that sort of furniture. It was the shabby chic type of everything, except the big black sofa in leather. It looked brand new and it was probably very expensive. On the floor under the sofa I saw an antique oriental rug. This guy was not poor.
We both looked everywhere but could not find the purse. I did find a beautiful sweater that I guessed was mine, and another pair of high heel sandals. They where not his so I assumed they belonged to me.
“We have to look in the kitchen too. You used to be there a lot.”
“I used to be in the kitchen, did I cook?” I asked in surprise.
“Yes, at the beginning you were here all the time. Then, well, a bit less…” He said with a bit of sadness.
The kitchen was a truly beautiful place. It was old fashioned and super modern in the same time. Two of the walls where painted in lime green and the rest retained its brick walls.
“Here it is!” He said triumphantly and held up a nice little purse in light pink leather.
I did not say a word. That was not my purse.
He opened it and took out a black wallet and opened it.
“Here it is.” He said and showed up my driving license.
It said to read, Melanie Ladoga. Born: May 12,1974.
The date was the same as mine, but not the name.
fredag 29 januari 2010
The beautiful island of Capri
If you ever go to the south of Italy, do not miss to visit the beautiful island of Capri, just outside Naples. But don't just go for a day-trip. Stay the night and relax. Then most of the turist have left the island and it is just us sleep-over tourists, some rich and famous. Sophia Loren has a villa here.
I have had the luxury to been able to live here for some weeks, then and now. I have italian friends here, with lovely homes where I so generously can stay in. I have mostly been living up in the charming town of Anacapri. Not so snobbish as Capri down below.
This photo is taken from the lovely garden Giardini di Augusto, stunning wiew over the faraglioni, the cliffs in the picture. It is one of my own favorites, if I can say so. But it is easy to take good photos in such a beautiful place.
Photo: Agneta Nisbeth
Giardini di Augusto,
Lite på svenska
Jag måste väl skriva några rader även på svenska, har startat denna blog för alla människor jorden över som kanske skulle vilja läsa vad jag skriver. Svenska är ju det språk jag skriver på dagligen på vår sajt hotgossip.se, men då om kändisar mestadels. Har också skrivit en historia som jag lagt ut på nätet för alla att läsa. Den heter Mitt liv som katt och ligger under mitt namn på sajten www.kapitel1.se
Om ni har lust, ta en titt!
Mitt liv som katt
torsdag 28 januari 2010
On top of the world
Here you have two other photos, from many years ago. Me on the top of the world, or at least the pyramids of Giza, Cairo. It was a really long way up, but a real horror to go down again.
What a fantastic view!
What a fantastic view!
Snow Angels - Part 5
At the same time I sat my self down on the bed to get a grip of the situation the blue-eyed man came out from bathroom. Thankfully he now had a towel around his waist. He had just showered, and he’s body was still all wet. He smiled at me.
I tried to smile back.
He had a nice tanned, muscular body. I had to admit that. So very different from the other men I usually ended up in bed with. They were more corporate types, men in suits. Men with style.
“Babe, why are you looking so confused? Let’s go back to bed and have some fun, so we can recoup some of what we missed yesterday”
“Absolutely not! I just want to go home, now!
Unfortunately I started to cry in the same time I said that.
I threw myself flat on the bed. When it pours it pours. I just could not stop my sobbing.
“What is the matter? Why are you so sad? Have I done something wrong?” He asked really soft.
“Please let me leave!” I sat up now.
Now he crept into bed beside me and put his arm around me. That did not stop me from sobbing either. But it made me feel a little calmer, strangely enough. I was not that scared anymore but I felt a sadness that I had never experienced before.
“I do not remember anything”
“What don’t you remember?”
“Anything. I don’t remember you, this place, anything. I don’t even remember myself in this way! I would never, ever have got me these tattoos for example. I hate tattoos.” I said and pointed at my ankles.
In that same moment I remember that his body was covered with one big eagle and some other more unknown symbols. But Bill seemed not to bother about my remark, he just smiled.
This was just so surreal. I looked at him, and the man seemed genuinely surprised. He caressed me tenderly on the cheek, wiped my tears away.
“I will make you remember myself, if you just let me” Bill teased.
But when he saw me crying again, he softly asked:
“Please tell me what is wrong, and I will fix it. I promise”
“Everything is wrong”
“I don’t understand?”
“I am sorry, but I don’t remember anything, anything” I sobbed.
He remained silent but looked really concerned now.
“Really? Nothing about me, I am that uninteresting?” He joked. But when he saw my worried face he said:
“What do you remember then?”
“It is 2010 now isn’t it?”
“Yes it is”
“Then not much. The last thing I remember I was going to a party in New York, and that 1997. Can I really forget about my whole life, just like that, for 13 years?”
“That I don’t know. Are you sure that you do not remember anything else. Do you remember your name?”
For the first time I smiled a bit. That I did know for sure.
“My name is Catherine Dobson”
The blue-eyed man suddenly looked very sad.
“I am very sorry to say this, but it’s not.”
I tried to smile back.
He had a nice tanned, muscular body. I had to admit that. So very different from the other men I usually ended up in bed with. They were more corporate types, men in suits. Men with style.
“Babe, why are you looking so confused? Let’s go back to bed and have some fun, so we can recoup some of what we missed yesterday”
“Absolutely not! I just want to go home, now!
Unfortunately I started to cry in the same time I said that.
I threw myself flat on the bed. When it pours it pours. I just could not stop my sobbing.
“What is the matter? Why are you so sad? Have I done something wrong?” He asked really soft.
“Please let me leave!” I sat up now.
Now he crept into bed beside me and put his arm around me. That did not stop me from sobbing either. But it made me feel a little calmer, strangely enough. I was not that scared anymore but I felt a sadness that I had never experienced before.
“I do not remember anything”
“What don’t you remember?”
“Anything. I don’t remember you, this place, anything. I don’t even remember myself in this way! I would never, ever have got me these tattoos for example. I hate tattoos.” I said and pointed at my ankles.
In that same moment I remember that his body was covered with one big eagle and some other more unknown symbols. But Bill seemed not to bother about my remark, he just smiled.
This was just so surreal. I looked at him, and the man seemed genuinely surprised. He caressed me tenderly on the cheek, wiped my tears away.
“I will make you remember myself, if you just let me” Bill teased.
But when he saw me crying again, he softly asked:
“Please tell me what is wrong, and I will fix it. I promise”
“Everything is wrong”
“I don’t understand?”
“I am sorry, but I don’t remember anything, anything” I sobbed.
He remained silent but looked really concerned now.
“Really? Nothing about me, I am that uninteresting?” He joked. But when he saw my worried face he said:
“What do you remember then?”
“It is 2010 now isn’t it?”
“Yes it is”
“Then not much. The last thing I remember I was going to a party in New York, and that 1997. Can I really forget about my whole life, just like that, for 13 years?”
“That I don’t know. Are you sure that you do not remember anything else. Do you remember your name?”
For the first time I smiled a bit. That I did know for sure.
“My name is Catherine Dobson”
The blue-eyed man suddenly looked very sad.
“I am very sorry to say this, but it’s not.”
More travel photos - from Nepal
I have to share with you this picture from the totally awesome trip I did some years ago to Nepal.
Here I stand on a mountain overlooking the entire Himalayan mountain ranges. Clearly impressive, but it was the thin air up there, I remember, hard to breath.
And here is one photo of me in Kathmandu - thinking about life in general. The trip to Nepel was really a humbling experience. I did learn so much there 3 weeks there. Love to come back one day.
Photo: Nicola Chessa
Snow Angels - Part 4
The naked man from the bed just walked in to the bathroom, stopped at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and then he said:
“You really slept for long this time. I was actually a bit worried for you.”
The man besides me had the bluest eyes I have ever seen. It was like they could look just through me. But strangely enough I did not feel really scared. Even if he were completely nude and I had not the faintest idea of who he was.
Or who I was for that matter.
Oh God! I suddenly realized that I also stood there in the nude, together with a complete stranger. I immediately grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me.
“Why so shy all of a sudden? He said with a big smile.
“I tend not to be naked in front of a complete stranger.” I said and aimed for the door.
“Complete stranger is a bit of a stretch. But I must say you really do look good naked, honey”
He responded and went for the toilet
When I closed the door behind me he shouted:
“Why such A hurry? Maybe we can take a shower together later?”
“I don’t think so!”
This is just too absurd, for even imagine in a dream. I now I have to live it!
I have to get dressed and leave as soon as possible. Where could I have left the rest of my clothes? I can’t go out in the silk dress I slept in, it looks really horrible now.
Hope I find more of my clothes somewhere.
My headache was at least getting better but I still felt like a train wreck. There where two more doors to the room. I tried one. It was a rather big walk in closet.
I lit the lamp on the ceiling and went in for a look.
On one side there were a lot of jeans, jackets, overalls and t-shirts, and on the other side some racecar helmets with the text written in gold print, William “Wild Bill” Ladoga. And then there were an eagle spreading it wings over the name.
There were also some hats of different types and a lot of shoes, most serious boots and various kinds of sneakers.
No dresses or skirts so far, and no shoes for women. This was definitely not my home. Maybe I had brought a bag with me, or something like that?
There was also a wardrobe in the closet so I opened it. But the only thing I could find was men underwear, socks and t-shirts. I returned to the bedroom.
Then I went looking around in the room, but no bag or other stuff that could be mine, just one pair of women shoe’s, in my size but they where not my style at all, these where really high-heeled. So I guess they had to be mine.
Why had I changed so much? I now seamed to live with a man I would never even look at in New York. And he talked to me like we have known each other for some time. I obviously had cut my already short her and dyed it black. Then I had for some reason got me two tattoos on my ankles.
What on earth have happened to me?
“You really slept for long this time. I was actually a bit worried for you.”
The man besides me had the bluest eyes I have ever seen. It was like they could look just through me. But strangely enough I did not feel really scared. Even if he were completely nude and I had not the faintest idea of who he was.
Or who I was for that matter.
Oh God! I suddenly realized that I also stood there in the nude, together with a complete stranger. I immediately grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me.
“Why so shy all of a sudden? He said with a big smile.
“I tend not to be naked in front of a complete stranger.” I said and aimed for the door.
“Complete stranger is a bit of a stretch. But I must say you really do look good naked, honey”
He responded and went for the toilet
When I closed the door behind me he shouted:
“Why such A hurry? Maybe we can take a shower together later?”
“I don’t think so!”
This is just too absurd, for even imagine in a dream. I now I have to live it!
I have to get dressed and leave as soon as possible. Where could I have left the rest of my clothes? I can’t go out in the silk dress I slept in, it looks really horrible now.
Hope I find more of my clothes somewhere.
My headache was at least getting better but I still felt like a train wreck. There where two more doors to the room. I tried one. It was a rather big walk in closet.
I lit the lamp on the ceiling and went in for a look.
On one side there were a lot of jeans, jackets, overalls and t-shirts, and on the other side some racecar helmets with the text written in gold print, William “Wild Bill” Ladoga. And then there were an eagle spreading it wings over the name.
There were also some hats of different types and a lot of shoes, most serious boots and various kinds of sneakers.
No dresses or skirts so far, and no shoes for women. This was definitely not my home. Maybe I had brought a bag with me, or something like that?
There was also a wardrobe in the closet so I opened it. But the only thing I could find was men underwear, socks and t-shirts. I returned to the bedroom.
Then I went looking around in the room, but no bag or other stuff that could be mine, just one pair of women shoe’s, in my size but they where not my style at all, these where really high-heeled. So I guess they had to be mine.
Why had I changed so much? I now seamed to live with a man I would never even look at in New York. And he talked to me like we have known each other for some time. I obviously had cut my already short her and dyed it black. Then I had for some reason got me two tattoos on my ankles.
What on earth have happened to me?
My mother's artwork
Just wanted to share another piece of summer with you. This time a piece of artwork, that my mother made some years ago. Reminds me of long nice dont-do-anything holdays.
Photo: Agneta Nisbeth
Snow Angels - Part 3
13 years had passed, obviously. But how come I do not remember a single thing about anything in between? What had happen to me, where am I?
This is just a long, really long nightmare.
A big wave of sadness, grief and sorrow hit me like a tsunami. I had to sit down. The bed looked like a good choice. It was soft and nice, just what I needed now. What if I went to sleep again maybe I could wake up in my apartment.
I lied down in the bed and it felt good to close my eyes again. I tried to remember the party that obviously happened 13 years ago. The only thing I could remember was the walk with Janice that Liza and her boyfriend greeted us welcome.
I think I remember that I ate some homemade tacos and enchiladas and that I drank some drinks with umbrellas and a lot of Mexican beer. What if someone drugged me? And then kidnapped me away to this place, wherever I am? Maybe this half naked man besides me did all that? Should I be afraid?
Perhaps I had repressed it all, because it was too painful to remember? Or maybe I had some kind of accident? I heard of people loosing their memory.
My mom and dad where dead and I did not have any siblings, but I can just imagine what Janice would think if she saw me now, in bed with a complete stranger?
And where was Janice now, still in Manhattan? Maybe she also lost her memory, or does she think I am dead?
I went up again and went for the bathroom. I did not feel relaxed in the bed anyway. Better go and check on myself again. Look for signs on my body, maybe I even had stretch marks after giving birth to a baby? That would REALLY make my day.
At least it was a nice bathroom, it looked comfy in a strange way. Like a place I would have chosen to build. At least in my dreams, I could never ever afford a place like this. My tiny apartment in Queens was rented.
I approached the mirror again, but not without hesitation. Now I did now that I had to have changed in these years, but why had I dyed my hair black?
I recognized my eyes, my nose and neck, but it was still not really MY old face. At least what I remember. Maybe I had a facelift?
Then I looked down on my body and decided to take of my luxury silk dress that I had saved for month to buy and that now just was a mess.
My body looked familiar, maybe the breast was a tiny bit bigger and I could not find any stretch marks, thank God! So hopefully I don’t have any kids. But when I saw my wrists I screamed! I had two tattoos, one of barbed wire wound around my ankles.
“So you are up now babe. It was a really though nite, don’t Ya think?”
The man from the bed was now standing in the doorway. But he was not really half naked. He was completely nude.
This is just a long, really long nightmare.
A big wave of sadness, grief and sorrow hit me like a tsunami. I had to sit down. The bed looked like a good choice. It was soft and nice, just what I needed now. What if I went to sleep again maybe I could wake up in my apartment.
I lied down in the bed and it felt good to close my eyes again. I tried to remember the party that obviously happened 13 years ago. The only thing I could remember was the walk with Janice that Liza and her boyfriend greeted us welcome.
I think I remember that I ate some homemade tacos and enchiladas and that I drank some drinks with umbrellas and a lot of Mexican beer. What if someone drugged me? And then kidnapped me away to this place, wherever I am? Maybe this half naked man besides me did all that? Should I be afraid?
Perhaps I had repressed it all, because it was too painful to remember? Or maybe I had some kind of accident? I heard of people loosing their memory.
My mom and dad where dead and I did not have any siblings, but I can just imagine what Janice would think if she saw me now, in bed with a complete stranger?
And where was Janice now, still in Manhattan? Maybe she also lost her memory, or does she think I am dead?
I went up again and went for the bathroom. I did not feel relaxed in the bed anyway. Better go and check on myself again. Look for signs on my body, maybe I even had stretch marks after giving birth to a baby? That would REALLY make my day.
At least it was a nice bathroom, it looked comfy in a strange way. Like a place I would have chosen to build. At least in my dreams, I could never ever afford a place like this. My tiny apartment in Queens was rented.
I approached the mirror again, but not without hesitation. Now I did now that I had to have changed in these years, but why had I dyed my hair black?
I recognized my eyes, my nose and neck, but it was still not really MY old face. At least what I remember. Maybe I had a facelift?
Then I looked down on my body and decided to take of my luxury silk dress that I had saved for month to buy and that now just was a mess.
My body looked familiar, maybe the breast was a tiny bit bigger and I could not find any stretch marks, thank God! So hopefully I don’t have any kids. But when I saw my wrists I screamed! I had two tattoos, one of barbed wire wound around my ankles.
“So you are up now babe. It was a really though nite, don’t Ya think?”
The man from the bed was now standing in the doorway. But he was not really half naked. He was completely nude.
This is just a pic of how we celebrate winter and christmas in Sweden. It can be beautiful, I know. But is also cold and dark, this period of the year.
Photo: Agneta Nisbeth
Snow Angels - Part 2
The room suddenly started to feel really cold. I raised me up and went directly to the window and looked out. Even if I tried I couldn’t see anything that’s looked familiar to me. I have never been here before in my life!
How the hell did I finished up here? And where was I?
It was a really nice view, if I had chose it, witch I haven’t.
The lake was frozen and all white with snow. It all looked like a Christmas card.
My head started to pound even more. I needed some painkillers real quick.
Maybe my mystery bed pal had some in the drawer placed under the washbowl?
But when I washed my hands I got another BIG surprise.
I looked in the mirror and saw a face I did not recognize!
My eyes looked the same, but that was about it. My nicely cropped, blond hair was now really short, and black…
I had never colored my hair before, except for some blond highlights last year.
It all felt so surreal. It was like a crazy dream. Maybe it was a dream? If I lied down in the bed and went to sleep again I would wake up in my own apartment.
God, I want my own life back!
I started to wash my hands, and looked down on them. There was a ring on my left hand, like I was engaged or married. I felt nauseous.
After some serious throwing up I went back on my search for the painkillers. And when I opened the drawer I found more than I could ask for.
There was a minor pharmacy there, some with prescriptions other just over the counter meds.
Two Aspirin and a glass of water later I went back to the bedroom.
I decided too look closer at the man in the bed. He was still at sleep, and still snoring. He did not show all his body but it really looked that he was nude.
How the h-l could I have shared a bed with this man? He was not my type at all, shaved head, tattoos and it seamed that he had been a lot in the gym. HIS arm muscles were bulging. Yuck!
I went around the bed and looked out the window. To the right there was a garage, to the left another house, a modern villa. And just below my window there was a children’s playground.
Please! Don’t say that I have children now?
It was all so strange that I started to laugh. I am going insane!
On the nightstand besides the muscular male was a book and a magazine with Hillary Clinton on the cover
What has Bills wife done now? Got a divorce? What could possibly a presidents wife have done to be on the cover of Newsweek?
I picked it up. But when I read it better I had to sit down again. It said she was The Secretary of State, but that was not all. The date of the magazine was 2010. I went to a party 1997.
How the hell did I finished up here? And where was I?
It was a really nice view, if I had chose it, witch I haven’t.
The lake was frozen and all white with snow. It all looked like a Christmas card.
My head started to pound even more. I needed some painkillers real quick.
Maybe my mystery bed pal had some in the drawer placed under the washbowl?
But when I washed my hands I got another BIG surprise.
I looked in the mirror and saw a face I did not recognize!
My eyes looked the same, but that was about it. My nicely cropped, blond hair was now really short, and black…
I had never colored my hair before, except for some blond highlights last year.
It all felt so surreal. It was like a crazy dream. Maybe it was a dream? If I lied down in the bed and went to sleep again I would wake up in my own apartment.
God, I want my own life back!
I started to wash my hands, and looked down on them. There was a ring on my left hand, like I was engaged or married. I felt nauseous.
After some serious throwing up I went back on my search for the painkillers. And when I opened the drawer I found more than I could ask for.
There was a minor pharmacy there, some with prescriptions other just over the counter meds.
Two Aspirin and a glass of water later I went back to the bedroom.
I decided too look closer at the man in the bed. He was still at sleep, and still snoring. He did not show all his body but it really looked that he was nude.
How the h-l could I have shared a bed with this man? He was not my type at all, shaved head, tattoos and it seamed that he had been a lot in the gym. HIS arm muscles were bulging. Yuck!
I went around the bed and looked out the window. To the right there was a garage, to the left another house, a modern villa. And just below my window there was a children’s playground.
Please! Don’t say that I have children now?
It was all so strange that I started to laugh. I am going insane!
On the nightstand besides the muscular male was a book and a magazine with Hillary Clinton on the cover
What has Bills wife done now? Got a divorce? What could possibly a presidents wife have done to be on the cover of Newsweek?
I picked it up. But when I read it better I had to sit down again. It said she was The Secretary of State, but that was not all. The date of the magazine was 2010. I went to a party 1997.
Snow Angels - Part 1
I will now show you a story that I started to write some days ago, also published at http://blogfictionshortstories.blogspot.com/2010/01/snow-angels.html
Hope you like it!
It is always difficult to wake up after a long night partying. But this morning felt extra hard, my head was pounding and I felt like vomiting.
I didn’t really remember where I have ended up yesterday. When my eyes finally got accustomed to the bright light outside I realized that I had been sleeping in a big room with a modern touch, stylish furniture and eggshell colored walls, like in a fancy magazine. You know the type that you could find in Modern Architecture.
But the thing that got me going was the fact that I was not alone in the bed. Beside me was a snoring man in his forties, half naked and with a big tattoo on his right shoulder. An ugly eagle.
Then I looked down on my own body, I was still dressed, thank God, in my light yellow silk dress that now more looked like a worn nightgown, all wrinkly and stained.
Oh dear, I wonder what these stains came from?
I tried really hard but could not remember anything about him or the night that passed. How did I end up here? Who was this guy?
I was now sitting up and the hammer in my head started to pound in my forehead, so strong that my eyes became watery. Was I crying?
My last memory from yesterday was at a party at a friend of Janice. It was really close to her home in Manhattan so we had walked there. It was a really nice summer night and I remember that we where looking up at the sky and talked about what we would do this holiday.
I realized that I have to go to the bathroom. So I slowly put down my feet on the creamy, fluffy carpet, my legs look almost as pale. Then I realized that I had some strange marks at my ankles. I tried too look down on my feet but my aching head stopped me.
Bathroom first
I had absolutely no idea where the bathroom where, I had never been here before.
I started to feel a little nervous, unease. But I had to pee. That was more important in that moment.
I opened the first door I found. Luckily it was a big bathroom, with pink marbled walls and floors.
So I then entered and did what I had to do. But sitting there I looked out of the window. And then I felt like I freeze, a chilling sensation begun to creep up my spine.
What I saw outside was a big lake or something, mountains and some forest in the background. And all was cowered with a lot of snow!
Hope you like it!
It is always difficult to wake up after a long night partying. But this morning felt extra hard, my head was pounding and I felt like vomiting.
I didn’t really remember where I have ended up yesterday. When my eyes finally got accustomed to the bright light outside I realized that I had been sleeping in a big room with a modern touch, stylish furniture and eggshell colored walls, like in a fancy magazine. You know the type that you could find in Modern Architecture.
But the thing that got me going was the fact that I was not alone in the bed. Beside me was a snoring man in his forties, half naked and with a big tattoo on his right shoulder. An ugly eagle.
Then I looked down on my own body, I was still dressed, thank God, in my light yellow silk dress that now more looked like a worn nightgown, all wrinkly and stained.
Oh dear, I wonder what these stains came from?
I tried really hard but could not remember anything about him or the night that passed. How did I end up here? Who was this guy?
I was now sitting up and the hammer in my head started to pound in my forehead, so strong that my eyes became watery. Was I crying?
My last memory from yesterday was at a party at a friend of Janice. It was really close to her home in Manhattan so we had walked there. It was a really nice summer night and I remember that we where looking up at the sky and talked about what we would do this holiday.
I realized that I have to go to the bathroom. So I slowly put down my feet on the creamy, fluffy carpet, my legs look almost as pale. Then I realized that I had some strange marks at my ankles. I tried too look down on my feet but my aching head stopped me.
Bathroom first
I had absolutely no idea where the bathroom where, I had never been here before.
I started to feel a little nervous, unease. But I had to pee. That was more important in that moment.
I opened the first door I found. Luckily it was a big bathroom, with pink marbled walls and floors.
So I then entered and did what I had to do. But sitting there I looked out of the window. And then I felt like I freeze, a chilling sensation begun to creep up my spine.
What I saw outside was a big lake or something, mountains and some forest in the background. And all was cowered with a lot of snow!
Dreams of sun
I cant really live well in the cold. But I have to I guess, as a swede. I have never really like to live in a cold country. I used to live in Italy for some years and that was really nice.
So just now I have to start plan my next trip abroad. Maybe India or China. Have not decided yet.
Here is a nice reminder of what I was looking at just some month ago, Thailand.
It is snowy and cold outside today. A perfect day to start a blog. But it is warm inside here in front of my computer. I would love to write some more, but I have to showel some snow...
I will write more later today. Promise.
All the best for now.
I will write more later today. Promise.
All the best for now.
First day with my new blog
Snow outside. Cold outside but warm inside. But I must say I prefer the summer. Wherever in the world. Just feel the heat...
I have so much to write but I am going to save that for a little bit later. So hang on there, just hang on.
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